Should I use believe or belief ? This question can keep you from writing that last sentence for the day. It can be so irritating when you're tired and almost done with your work, but that one word is making your head spin. From now on, you should never need to wonder whether you should use believe or belief ever again. To Believe I believe that at the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of the word believe . Look at the next sentence: I believe in aliens. If you believe in something, you are doing an action. When a word takes on the role of describing an action, that word is a verb . This means that believe is a verb. Change believe in in the above sentence to a different verb, such as chase. I chase aliens. All you need to do is substitute a verb in a sentence with believe or belief. If the sentence sounds strange to you, you probably used the wrong one. For example: I belief in aliens. That hardly makes any sense, right...