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Updates: What are you Doing?

I am a writer. I am also a human, a procrastinator and an experimenter. I will bring you stories and books, but for now blogs will suffice. My hobbies stretch further than blogging, so does my work, as sadly writing does not pay the bills. Neither does blogging, for that matter. So what does a writer do with his time?

Blogging on Niume

Currently, you can find me writing blogs on Niume (click here to go see it). This is where I find myself most of the time, or was until recently. I realised rather quickly that all the time I spent writing on Niume could have been spent working on my goals for this blog.

The goal is to have more than a blog. This blog will soon retire to make room for a website; a website with an atmosphere. There will be much to tell you soon, but for now let it rest as a mystery behind a veil.

New Logo

Not a bad logo to serve the emptiness temporarily,
but it lacks in the atmosphere I hope to offer.
The logo I'm using is temporary. It decorates the emptiness. Were it not there, this would hardly feel like a blog I could call my own.

I will be working with my graphic design teacher from Japi to create the new logo. This will form part of my course.

The new logo will form part of the entirely new look that will be a home for all of you. For me, it is all about the experience and without a proper website and logo, that experience I want to give you will never reach it's full potential.

Edit and Write

Celebrations are in order as I completed a book. For now I will follow the advice of many authors out there, and leave the book aside. I will edit this book after a few weeks. It will be a while before you can read it.

My work doesn't stop just because I have completed my resting book. I am already working on my next book. This one may take a while to write, as I need it to be done just right. Regarding both the editing and writing, I will keep you all posted. A new website will need some good stories to go with it, after all.


As mentioned before, I am an experimenter. I am trying to learn many different things at the moment. Some of those include creating 3D art, graphic design and learning a new language. My time is little and therefore I am hardly able to type a blog post for you on a regular basis. Once everything is set up and I have completed my course, I will hopefully have more time to create original blog posts.

I hope that you will find the blog posts at Niume sufficient for now. Updates will be given right here for those who are interested in the eventual unveiling.


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