Let's face it, as a writer you will get to the point when it's time to edit your book. It's definitely not one of my favourite things in the world to do, but it feels so good when it's done (especially when it is done right). The story reads so much better. That being said, these are the first three things you can check before you completely reread your own book. No need to fear when it's time to edit your book. It is possible to make the editing phase easier on yourself. Wait Before You Edit Your Book This was mentioned before on another post. You should wait before you edit your book, as it will allow you to forget about the details. When you go back to your book, it should be as if you're a "almost" new reader. This way, you can spot when there is a loophole. This saved me from my current book in editing. I noticed that I have no idea what was going on in the beginning. After I added a chapter, the story was a lot better to understand....